Don’t miss our next members’ evening at Abasto!! I hope you have all enjoyed the warm autumn that we have had but which I think is now sadly at an end. As we head into the late autumn/winter season we are pleased to announce that we will hold our next Members’ Evening at Abasto on Tuesday 22 November and I hope that many of you will be able to attend. We are very fortunate to have as our guest speakers for this occasion a team of directors and senior officers from The Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Matt Tulley, redevelopment director
Michelle Dixon, director of engagement and experience
Deirdra Orteu, redevelopment head of clinical design
Debbie Gould, St Mary’s Hospital site director (and clinical director, gynaecology and reproductive medicine)
* Tanya Hughes, strategic communications lead for the redevelopment programme
They will be talking to us about current and planned developments at St. Mary’s Hospital and we have agreed a series of agenda topics as below:
Redevelopment plans for St Mary’s Hospital
Access issues arising from the Paddington Square development
Road/highway management issues around St Mary’s
What kind of hospital projects have benefitted from charitable donations
Operational/services update
This should be an extremely interesting and informative evening. As always questions and discussion from you, our members, are an important part of the evening so please come prepared with any queries you may have about what is going on at St. Mary’s and what are the plans for its future.