Members might be interested to know that your residents’ association, a registered charity which is the only Amenity Society recognised by Westminster City Council for the Hyde Park Ward,?has now finalised its portfolio holders for 2023. Dr Allen Zimbler is expected to remain chairman until July. After more than 15 years on the committee, he is taking up the role of Master of the Worshipful Company of Carpenters. Sally Martin and Antonia Cox are co-vice chairmen. Maria Parpou is continuing as Treasurer, with Amro Emwara taking over responsibility for membership, aiming to expand numbers and make subscribing easier. Samantha Welsh takes over as Hon. Secretary. Richard Cutt and Susie Burbridge will share responsibility for planning and licensing. Transport will be led by jointly by Robert Gardner, Christine Friend and John Tillisch. Sandra Brendlor continues with Events and Susan Quinn with Community social events. Sally Martin will continue to sit on the Paddington Business Improvement District Board and Dr Zimbler will continue to chair the Ward Panel, which next meets on February 9th.
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