The meeting was addressed by Rachel Blake MP.
1. Welcome from the chairman and thanks to Ms Sally Beck, General Manager, Royal Lancaster London
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of the 2023 AGM
4. Treasurer’s Report- P&L above.
5. Chairman’s Report
6. Election of Officers and Executive Committee:
Antonia Cox
Sally Martin
Sandra Brendlor
Susan Quinn
Maria Parpou
Richard Cutt
Robert Gardner
Sally Burbridge
Rev. Stephen Mason
Atha Moussios
7.Vote on constitution amendment as previously circulated.
8. Presentations by Paddington BID (video) and Grand Union BID proposal group
9. Close, followed by drinks reception.
Acceptances for the AGM and Christmas Party are not needed. is now receiving incoming emails but anything you sent between 13 Nov and 30 Nov will not have reached us. Speak to us at the AGM if there is anything you need to raise.
A reminder that a telecoms company has made a speculative application, similar to that previously rejected by Westminster CIty Council, to put unsightly masts and ancillary radio and GPS equipment on top of the Southacre residential block next to St John’s Church. The building’s residents and the HPEA have already objected on grounds of impact on the Bayswater Conservation Area and in particular the setting of a listed Georgian Gothic church. Please add your comments at
using case reference 24/07248/FULL.
There is a mobile capacity shortage at Paddington station but this block, already at the absolute limit of acceptable height in a conservation area, is not the right place for masts, as WCC officers made very clear the last time this was attempted.
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