Firstly, St John’s Church, Hyde Park Crescent is inviting everyone for its traditional candlelit service of nine Christmas lessons and carols at 6pm on Sunday 22nd December. The service will be followed by a fizz and panettone reception
Secondly, as previously mentioned, we have been offered a venue for members’ evenings in the form of the splendidly refurbished Victory Services Club on Seymour Street and will be holding our first meeting. of 2025 there from 6.30 to 8pm on Thursday 9th January.
The VSC has kindly offered us the use of one of their private rooms and we hope that this will become the regular venue for our members’ meetings.
We will also be able to make use of their bar and catering facilities in the room so that drinks and snacks can be purchased as you wish.
As our first speaker of the year we are delighted to have Sue Price, Chairman of the Friends of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. Many of you will know Sue as she has spoken to us in the past and is a good friend of the HPEA.
Sue will update us on what the Friends of HP and KG are currently doing as well as what is happening in our local parks in general. She will also tell us about how we as local residents can get involved in the Park activities and will of course be happy to answer all your questions.
Please do come along to our first meeting of 2025 and enjoy the new venue that we have been offered, And do feel free to invite any of your neighbours who may be interested in joining our association.
We will be in the Trafalgar Room of the Victory Services Club, 63-79 Seymour Street W2 2HF.
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